Got Kale?
You guys remember the popular saying “Got Milk”? It was one of the most influential commercial advertisements, in regards to consuming more milk. Milk was highly popularized because of its calcium content which was why most pediatricians encouraged mom’s to put their kids on it. Calcium consumption was important for many health reasons, including the prevention of bone diseases and metabolism functioning.
Most people aren’t consuming as much cow milk as before, which could mean their calcium levels are a lot lower than usual.
If you are vegan, are just looking for a way to replace milk, what better way than with Kale?
Kale is a great replacement for milk because it contains more calcium than milk and has more health benefits.
Kale has Protein, Magnesium, Iron, C, K and many many more important vitamins and nutrients your body needs to maintain a healthy metabolism.
Kale also removes toxins from the body, lowers cholesterol levels, prevents Alzheimer's Disease and is a great source of fiber.
If you are looking to replace milk, kale is a great place to start.
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